China-Europe Service

China-Europe Service Map

The rail traffic between China and Europe, but also vice versa, is constantly growing and there are more and more different routes.


Whereas a few years ago only a few container trains were moved via the traditional Trans-Siberian Railway from China via Russia to Europe, today there are up to 18 different trains per week from different Chinese regions to Europe, both via the Trans-Siberian route and via the South route via Kazakhstan.


Also, there are more and more goods from Europe, which are transported by rail to China.


Today, the most diverse types of goods are transported, from food through machines to temperature-controlled goods in special reefer containers.


One of the major advantages is the short running time compared to sea transport. On average, 15 days are needed from the departure stations in China (eg from Shanghai) to the receiving stations in Europe (eg to Duisburg), only one third of the time compared to sea freight.

This not only has time- but also financial benefits. Since the goods are much earlier at the destination, the investment capital can be used earlier accordingly.


We are happy to provide further information and are looking forward to your transport inquiries.