Customized Rail Logistics Projects

TransGlobalNet provides all railway services in Europe, CIS, China, Mongolia and Iran. Whether in single wagon traffic, in wagon groups, in complete trains or in the project business, also connected with different modes of transport.


We offer you a stable offer including document handling, pre-and on-carriage and tracking. On request, we also carry out export and import clearance. 

Please note the different track widths in Europe, China and Iran with 1435 mm and the track width in the CIS and Mongolia with 1520 mm. At the european and chinese borders, the goods are therefore usually transhipped. At the iranian border, however, the axles of the railway wagons are usually changed.

Another option is the delivery of the goods by truck from Europe to one of our transhipment terminals, e.g. in the Baltic States. There, the goods are loaded under professional supervision directly in or on wide gauge wagons. 

For oversized project shipments we also take care of the transport permits for the entire route and send your goods if desired with the standard consignment note CIM / SMGS. Together with our partners (railways, carriers, transshipment terminals, etc.), we are happy to provide further information and are looking forward to your transport inquiries.